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Ph.D. Researcher in Robotics

I am a robotics researcher. I believe robotics and autonomous systems have the potential to benefit countless applications. I am interested in developing robots that can increase safety and efficiency, and can reduce environmental harm, particularly in activities which may be dull or dangerous.

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I am currently a Ph.D. researcher at KU Leuven, Belgium, member of the MECO Research Team. I received my B.S. degree in Mechatronics Engineering, and my M.S. degree in Engineering from Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico in 2020 and 2022, respectively. I was an undergraduate researcher at the Aerospace Mechatronics Lab from McGill University in 2018. Since 2021, I have collaborated with CSAIL and the Senseable City Lab from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My research interests include modeling, control, and motion planning for autonomous systems in water, ground and air.



Leuven, Belgium

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